Wednesday, July 21, 2010

(Insert clever title here)

I just read my last post. And the comments left. It made me sniffle-ey. (is that how you spell sniffle?) Who knows?

Well, many, many things have happened since I last wrote. And since I am the type of personality that cannot tell you about today unless you know about yesterday, I will put these varied and important events in a very small nutshell for you- in the form of a list. Yay, lists!

Things that have happened since my last post- not in strictly chronological order:
1. I just read through my posts going through January and have concluded I'm a huge dork.
2. I'm okay with number one.
3. I've had another umpteen million doctors/ specialists/ therapists visits and have become quite friendly with the receptionists and nurses.
4. My mom and I heard about qigong and how people have made dramatic changes in their health by practicing on a regular basis.
5. We went to Colorado and met with a master to learn techniques, exercises and meditations.
6. I started acupuncture after a particularly discouraging visit with my hand surgeon.
7. After 3 weeks of acupuncture and Chinese herbs and qigong practice (and staying on all my meds, of course), the necrosis seemed to stop spreading.
8. Three weeks after that, there's new tissue being formed and less pain.
9. I've stopped taking almost all my pain medicine.
10. My right index finger finally healed (it took 6 months instead of 6 weeks, but i'll take it).
11. I went to Key West (and ended up in a clinic with an infection, ugh!) and chilled like a rock star for a week or so.
12. I have confirmed I have the most amazing parents the world over.
13. I read the entire Twilight saga again in preparation for the movie, Eclipse. I'm still smitten.
14. My house is gradually being filled with all the art I've been acquiring since... well, since forever and it looks like real people live here.
15. My puppy continues to grow like a weed- a very large, strong weed. She's about 11 months and 95 pounds. (she has 7 more growing months)
16. The boy continues his campaign for sainthood by being understanding (and silent) while I occasionally have complete meltdowns and act completely irrational and yell at him for being logical. This happened recently.
17. My sweet little ride- the '95 Maxima- is finally being retired.... with 195,000+ miles on the odometer. It is being replaced with another Nissan- hey, I'm loyal, okay?- that will better accommodate my pony. Oh, I mean dog- an suv to better accommodate my dog.
18. I have rediscovered my love of music.
19. I have reconnected with some old friends and I'm so thankful they found me.
20. I have determined an acceptable alternate life path would have been to major in English due to my love of reading, writing, words and the English language.

So that's what I can think of right now. I won't promise to post tomorrow, for that is the surest way to guarantee an extended absence. So... I'll see when I see you.

Oh, and I love you all, Nyssa, Jaime, Cristalynn, and Lyn. You fill me up. Thank you.